sobros - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sobros (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Noun (plural)

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In the context of Central America, "sobros" refers to subtle hints or insinuations often used in conversations to imply something without stating it outright. The term can also encompass the idea of subtle suggestions or nudges in communication. This word is generally more frequent in oral speech, particularly in colloquial interactions, rather than in formal written contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. Los sobros en la conversación eran evidentes cuando hablaban del problema.
    The hints in the conversation were evident when they talked about the problem.

  2. No me gustan los sobros, prefiero que las cosas se digan directamente.
    I don't like hints; I prefer that things are said directly.

  3. A veces, los sobros pueden causar malentendidos entre amigos.
    Sometimes, hints can cause misunderstandings among friends.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "sobros" may not appear in traditional idiomatic expressions in a formal sense, but it can be used in various conversational contexts to indicate that the speaker is alluding to something or conveying a message indirectly.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Flavor

  1. Ella siempre lanza sobros cuando quiere que me dé cuenta de algo.
    She always drops hints when she wants me to realize something.

  2. Los sobros que dio al final de la reunión fueron muy claros.
    The hints he gave at the end of the meeting were very clear.

  3. Si no te agrada el tema, no dudes en darme sobros para cambiar de conversación.
    If you dislike the topic, feel free to drop hints to change the subject.

  4. Los sobros en sus palabras me hicieron dudar de sus intenciones.
    The hints in his words made me doubt his intentions.


The word "sobros" is derived from the Spanish verb "sobrar," which means "to be left over" or "to exceed." It reflects the idea of something being implied or suggested implicitly, rather than directly stated. This implies a form of communication that is indirect and subtle.

Synonyms and Antonyms



The word "sobros" embodies a nuance of communication that resonates in informal settings, making it a useful term in everyday discourse across Central American countries.
