sociable - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sociable (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Use in Spanish

The word "sociable" is used to describe someone who is friendly and enjoys interacting with others. It conveys a sense of openness and an easygoing nature when it comes to social interactions. In terms of frequency, "sociable" is fairly common in both oral and written Spanish conversations, although it may appear slightly more in written contexts in formal descriptions of personality traits.

Example Sentences

  1. Ella es muy sociable y le encanta hacer nuevos amigos.
  2. She is very sociable and loves making new friends.

  3. En la fiesta, todos estaban muy sociables y disfrutaban de la compañía.

  4. At the party, everyone was very sociable and enjoyed the company.

  5. A pesar de ser un poco tímido, él se volvió más sociable con el tiempo.

  6. Despite being a bit shy, he became more sociable over time.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "sociable" is not explicitly part of many idiomatic expressions, but understanding its contextual usage reveals its thematic connections to social behavior. Here are a few phrases that relate to the idea of sociability:

  1. Hacer amigos (to make friends) - Es fácil hacer amigos cuando eres sociable.
  2. It’s easy to make friends when you are sociable.

  3. Ser el alma de la fiesta (to be the life of the party) - Juan siempre es el alma de la fiesta por ser tan sociable.

  4. Juan is always the life of the party because he is so sociable.

  5. Tener buena onda (to have good vibes) - Si eres sociable, siempre tendrás buena onda con los demás.

  6. If you are sociable, you will always have good vibes with others.

  7. Salir con los amigos (to hang out with friends) - A mí me gusta salir con los amigos, especialmente porque soy muy sociable.

  8. I enjoy hanging out with friends, especially because I am very sociable.

  9. Dar la mano (to shake hands) - A menudo, dar la mano es un signo de ser sociable.

  10. Often, shaking hands is a sign of being sociable.


The word "sociable" comes from the Latin root "sociabilis," meaning "to associate" or "to join together." This derives from "socius," which means "companion" or "ally." Over time, the term evolved into the Spanish "sociable," retaining its emphasis on relationships and interaction.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Amigable (friendly) - Extrovertido (extroverted) - Agradable (pleasant)

Antonyms: - Tímido (shy) - Antisocial (antisocial) - Reservado (reserved)
