socios - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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socios (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "socios" refers to individuals who are in a partnership or have a joint venture, typically in a business context. It can denote members of a cooperative or shareholding partners in a company. The frequency of use for "socios" is relatively high, particularly in business, legal documents, or discussions surrounding organizations. It is commonly used in written contexts as well as oral speech.

Example Sentences

  1. Los socios de la empresa se reunieron para discutir el futuro del negocio.
  2. The partners of the company met to discuss the future of the business.

  3. Es importante que todos los socios estén de acuerdo antes de tomar una decisión.

  4. It is important that all partners agree before making a decision.

  5. Los socios fundaron la organización con el objetivo de ayudar a la comunidad.

  6. The partners founded the organization with the aim of helping the community.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "socios" is often used in various expressions, some of which include:

  1. "Socio de negocios"
  2. Se convirtió en socio de negocios de su mejor amigo y ahora tienen una exitosa empresa.
  3. He became a business partner with his best friend, and now they have a successful company.

  4. "Socios estratégicos"

  5. Las empresas son socios estratégicos en varios proyectos de innovación.
  6. The companies are strategic partners in several innovation projects.

  7. "Ser socios en el crimen"

  8. Ellos son socios en el crimen y han planeado un elaborado esquema.
  9. They are partners in crime and have devised an elaborate scheme.

  10. "Socios comerciales"

  11. Buscamos nuevos socios comerciales que puedan ayudarnos a expandir nuestra empresa.
  12. We are looking for new business partners who can help us expand our company.

  13. "Socios al 50%"

  14. Ellos son socios al 50% en la empresa, lo que significa que comparten las ganancias equitativamente.
  15. They are 50% partners in the company, which means they share the profits equally.


The word "socios" derives from the Latin "socius," which means "companion," "ally," or "associate." This root reflects the idea of partnership and collaboration inherent in the term.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Compañeros (companions) - Aliados (allies) - Colaboradores (collaborators)

Antonyms: - Rivales (rivals) - Oponentes (opponents) - Competidores (competitors)
