sofisticado - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sofisticado (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The term "sofisticado" in Spanish refers to something that is complex, intricate, or characterized by refinement and elegance. It can describe a person, a style, an idea, or an object that exhibits sophistication. The usage of the word is common both in oral and written contexts, though it might appear more frequently in written literature, advertising, and descriptions due to its connotation of elegance and high standards.

Example Sentences

  1. El vestido que llevaba era muy sofisticado.
  2. The dress she wore was very sophisticated.

  3. Sus argumentos eran sofisticados y bien elaborados.

  4. His arguments were sophisticated and well-crafted.

  5. Prefiero una decoración más sofisticada en mi casa.

  6. I prefer a more sophisticated decoration in my house.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Sofisticado" is frequently used in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Here are some examples:

  1. Estar sofisticado en algo
  2. Estar sofisticado en la cocina requiere tiempo y práctica.
  3. Being sophisticated in cooking requires time and practice.

  4. Sofisticado como un vino añejo

  5. Su personalidad es sofisticada como un vino añejo.
  6. His personality is as sophisticated as an aged wine.

  7. A nivel sofisticado

  8. Este proyecto se desarrolla a un nivel sofisticado de análisis.
  9. This project is developed at a sophisticated level of analysis.

  10. Un toque sofisticado

  11. Necesitamos un toque sofisticado en esta presentación.
  12. We need a sophisticated touch in this presentation.


The word "sofisticado" comes from the Latin "sophisticatus", which signifies being educated or skilled, a derivative of "sophisticus" meaning "wise" or "skillful". Over time, it evolved to imply a sense of complexity, elegance, and refinement.

Synonyms and Antonyms


