soja - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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soja (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "soja" in Spanish primarily refers to the soybean plant and its seeds, which are significant in agriculture and food industries. It is used to denote not just the plant itself, but also various products derived from it, such as soy milk and tofu. The term is frequently encountered in both oral and written contexts, especially in discussions related to diet, nutrition, and agriculture, which may occur in both academic and informal settings.

Frequency of Use

The usage of "soja" can be considered relatively common in contexts relating to health, cuisine, and agriculture, though it traditionally appears more frequently in written forms such as articles, studies, and marketing materials than in casual conversation.

Example Sentences

  1. La soja es una fuente rica de proteínas y se utiliza en muchas dietas vegetarianas.
    Soy is a rich source of protein and is used in many vegetarian diets.

  2. En muchos países, la soja se cultiva como un importante recurso agrícola.
    In many countries, soy is grown as an important agricultural resource.

  3. Los productos derivados de la soja, como el tofu, son muy populares entre los consumidores saludables.
    Soy-based products, such as tofu, are very popular among health-conscious consumers.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "soja" does not have specific idiomatic expressions widely recognized in everyday Spanish, it is often used metaphorically in agricultural, nutritional, and ecological contexts, as it relates to sustainability and diet.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Contexts

  1. La producción de soja está en auge, lo que refleja un cambio en la alimentación global.
    Soy production is booming, reflecting a change in global eating habits.

  2. Muchos consideran que la soja es el futuro de la alimentación sostenible.
    Many believe that soy is the future of sustainable eating.

  3. A pesar de la controversia, la soja sigue siendo un pilar en la agricultura moderna.
    Despite controversy, soy remains a pillar of modern agriculture.


The term "soja" originates from the Spanish adaptation of the Japanese word "shoyu," which also refers to soy. This connection reflects the agricultural and culinary significance of soybeans that has spread globally.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Frijol (in some contexts) - Legumbre (in broader contexts)

Antonyms: - No direct antonyms exist, as "soja" is a specific noun referring to a particular plant. However, one might contrast it with animal protein sources conceptually, like "carne" (meat).
