solana - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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solana (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "solana" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

The word "solana" can be translated into English primarily as "sunny place" or "sunny spot." It is often used in a geographic context to refer to an area that receives a lot of sunlight.

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "solana" refers to a place that is exposed to the sun, often used to describe a sunny side of a hill, a field, or a plot of land that receives ample sunlight. The term is frequently used in agricultural and geographical contexts. Its usage is more prevalent in written contexts, particularly in literature or descriptive texts about landscapes, but it can also appear in conversation when discussing locations.

Example Sentences

  1. La solana del campo es perfecta para cultivar tomates.
  2. The sunny spot in the field is perfect for growing tomatoes.

  3. Cada verano, nos gusta sentarnos en la solana a leer.

  4. Every summer, we like to sit in the sunny place to read.

  5. La solana de la casa es ideal para disfrutar del café por la mañana.

  6. The sunny side of the house is ideal for enjoying coffee in the morning.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "solana" is not particularly used in idiomatic expressions. However, it does convey concepts of brightness and warmth that can be related to various expressions linked to conditions or moods in the Spanish language.

Here are some examples using the concept of "solana" within broader expressions:

  1. Un día de solana alegra el espíritu.
  2. A sunny day lifts the spirit.

  3. Cuando estoy en la solana, me siento en paz.

  4. When I am in the sunny place, I feel at peace.

  5. La vida es más dulce en la solana.

  6. Life is sweeter in the sunny spot.


The word "solana" comes from the Latin "solāna," which is derived from "sol," meaning "sun." This origin reflects its meaning related to sunlight and exposure to the sun.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Soleado: Sunny - Luminoso: Bright - Iluminado: Lit/Illuminated

Antonyms: - Sombra: Shade - Nublado: Cloudy - Oscuridad: Darkness

The word "solana" carries connotations not only of physical space related to sunlight but also of warmth and happiness, making it a pleasant term within the language.
