solapado - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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solapado (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "solapado" in Spanish conveys a sense of someone or something that is overlapping, hidden in the shadows, or operates in a deceitful or sneaky manner. It is used to describe actions or characteristics that are not completely out in the open or that involve subterfuge or intrigue. In terms of frequency, "solapado" is used in both oral and written contexts but may appear more frequently in literary or formal written contexts, particularly in discussions about character traits or behaviors.

Example Sentences

  1. El análisis del comportamiento solapado en su trabajo reveló secretos escondidos.
  2. The analysis of the overlapping behavior in his work revealed hidden secrets.

  3. Su actitud solapada hizo que muchos desconfiaran de él.

  4. His sneaky attitude made many distrust him.

  5. Las negociaciones solapadas entre las dos empresas fueron un escándalo.

  6. The devious negotiations between the two companies were a scandal.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "solapado" is not used in many fixed idioms but can reflect nuances in character and behavior. Here are some examples that illustrate related themes or uses:

  1. No seas tan solapado; dile la verdad a la gente.
  2. Don’t be so sneaky; tell the truth to people.

  3. En el juego de la política, los movimientos solapados son comunes.

  4. In the game of politics, overlapping moves are common.

  5. A veces, los peores enemigos son los más solapados.

  6. Sometimes, the worst enemies are the sneakiest.

  7. Los planes solapados de la competencia fueron revelados por un informante.

  8. The devious plans of the competition were revealed by an inside source.


The word "solapado" derives from "solapar," which means "to overlap" or "to conceal." Its roots can be traced back to the term "solapa," which refers to a flap or a fold that covers something, suggesting ideas of concealment or layering.

Synonyms and Antonyms
