solar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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solar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Solar" refers to anything related to the sun. In general usage, it's commonly associated with energy derived from sunlight, especially in the context of renewable energy sources like solar power. In legal contexts, "solar" can pertain to laws surrounding the use of solar energy or land designated for solar farms. The term is used frequently, especially in discussions about environmental sustainability, energy, and technology. It can be found in both oral and written contexts, with a slight prevalence in formal documents and discussions related to energy policies.

Example Sentences

  1. El panel solar se instaló en el techo de la casa.
    (The solar panel was installed on the roof of the house.)

  2. La energía solar es una fuente renovable muy importante.
    (Solar energy is a very important renewable source.)

  3. Las leyes solares promueven el uso de energía limpia.
    (Solar laws promote the use of clean energy.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While "solar" is not commonly used in idiomatic expressions, it may appear in metaphoric contexts related to sunlight or brightness. However, here are idiomatic expressions that include the concept of "solar:"

  1. Ver las cosas con ojos solares.
    _(To see things with sunny eyes.)
    Meaning: To have an optimistic view of situations.

  2. Tener un corazón solar.
    _(To have a solar heart.)
    Meaning: To be a warm-hearted person.

  3. Echar luz solar sobre el problema.
    _(To shed solar light on the problem.)
    Meaning: To clarify or provide insight into an issue.


The word "solar" originates from the Latin term "solaris," which means "of the sun." This Latin root, "sol," means "sun," which reflects the word's direct correlation to sunlight.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This comprehensive analysis of the word "solar" illustrates its multifaceted nature in the Spanish language encompassing different contexts and uses.
