soldador - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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soldador (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "soldador" is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Soldador" refers to a professional who specializes in welding, which is the process of joining materials, typically metals or thermoplastics, together by using high heat to melt the parts and allowing them to cool, causing fusion. This term is widely used in the fields of construction, manufacturing, and metalworking.

In Spanish, "soldador" is frequently used both in oral and written contexts, especially in technical and vocational discussions related to labor and trades. However, it may be more common in oral communication within workplaces and among professionals.

Example Sentences

  1. El soldador utilizó una máquina de soldadura para unir las piezas de metal.
  2. The welder used a welding machine to join the metal pieces.

  3. Mi amigo es soldador y trabaja en una fábrica de automóviles.

  4. My friend is a welder and works in an automobile factory.

  5. Para ser soldador, es importante tener habilidades técnicas y experiencia.

  6. To be a welder, it's important to have technical skills and experience.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "soldador" does not commonly appear as part of well-known idiomatic expressions, it is significant in expressing vocational identity and craftsmanship in Spanish culture. Below are idiomatic usages that involve the concept of welding:

  1. "Ser más duro que un soldador."
  2. To be tougher than a welder.
  3. Este boxeador es más duro que un soldador, no se rinde fácilmente.
  4. This boxer is tougher than a welder; he doesn’t give up easily.

  5. "Unir como un soldador."

  6. To unite like a welder.
  7. Este equipo trabaja tan bien juntos que se unen como un soldador.
  8. This team works so well together that they unite like a welder.

  9. "Tener mano de soldador."

  10. To have the touch of a welder.
  11. Su habilidad para reparar cosas muestra que tiene mano de soldador.
  12. His ability to fix things shows that he has the touch of a welder.


The word "soldador" comes from the Spanish verb "soldar," which means "to weld." The verb itself has its roots in the Latin word "soldare," which means "to solidify" or "make solid," related to "solidus," meaning "solid." This reflects the process by which materials are joined to become solid together.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Unidor (joiner) - Metalúrgico (metallurgist)

Antonyms: - Desmontador (demolisher or dismantler) - Separador (separator)
