solemne - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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solemne (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word solemne in Spanish conveys a sense of formality and seriousness. It is often used to describe events, occasions, or attitudes that are marked by gravity and respect. In legal contexts, it implies adherence to procedures and rituals that denote seriousness. The word is frequently used in both oral and written forms, particularly in formal contexts such as ceremonies, legal documents, or official communications.

Example Sentences

  1. La ceremonia fue muy solemne, con todos los asistentes vestidos de gala.
  2. The ceremony was very solemn, with all the attendees dressed in formal attire.

  3. El juez hizo un llamado solemne a la justicia en su discurso.

  4. The judge made a solemn call for justice in his speech.

  5. Durante la misa, se realizó una oración solemne por las víctimas.

  6. During the mass, a solemn prayer was held for the victims.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word solemne does appear in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish, often highlighting the seriousness of situations or events.

  1. Una promesa solemne – Se consideraba una promesa solemne, que no debía romperse.
  2. It was considered a solemn promise, one that should not be broken.

  3. Compromiso solemne – La firma del acuerdo fue un compromiso solemne entre las partes.

  4. The signing of the agreement was a solemn commitment between the parties.

  5. Juramento solemne – Hizo un juramento solemne de decir la verdad en el juicio.

  6. He took a solemn oath to tell the truth in the trial.

  7. Momento solemne – La entrega de premios fue un momento solemne para todos los asistentes.

  8. The awards ceremony was a solemn moment for all the attendees.

  9. Acto solemne – El acto solemne de graduación se llevará a cabo en el auditorio principal.

  10. The solemn graduation ceremony will take place in the main auditorium.

  11. Voto solemne – Al entrar en la orden, hizo un voto solemne de dedicarse al servicio.

  12. Upon entering the order, he made a solemn vow to dedicate himself to service.


The term solemne originates from the Latin word solemnis, which means "pertaining to the sun" or "annual". It suggested something that is ceremonially significant or marked by tradition, evolving into its current sense of formality and seriousness in Spanish.

Synonyms and Antonyms



In summary, solemne embodies a sense of seriousness that is reflected in both its meanings and its frequent use in formal settings, idiomatic expressions, and legal contexts in the Spanish language.
