soler - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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soler (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

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Meaning and Usage

"Soler" is a verb in Spanish that is commonly used to express a habitual action or a tendency. It indicates that something is generally or usually done, and it often introduces a verb in the infinitive form. This verb is used both in oral and written contexts but is more prevalent in spoken language.

Frequency of Use

"Soler" is a fairly common verb in everyday conversations, especially when describing routines or habits, making it frequent in oral speech.

Example Sentences

  1. Yo suelo correr por las mañanas.
  2. I usually run in the mornings.

  3. Ella suele ir al cine los fines de semana.

  4. She tends to go to the movies on weekends.

  5. Nosotros solemos comer fuera los viernes.

  6. We usually eat out on Fridays.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "soler" is not typically used in fixed idiomatic expressions, it is often part of various phrases that express habitual actions. Below are some examples of its usage:

  1. Solemos decir que el tiempo vuela.
  2. We usually say that time flies.

  3. Él suele tener una sonrisa en la cara.

  4. He tends to have a smile on his face.

  5. A menudo, cuando estamos juntos, solemos hablar de nuestras vidas.

  6. Often, when we are together, we tend to talk about our lives.

  7. Ella suele olvidarse de cerrar la puerta.

  8. She usually forgets to close the door.

  9. Como amigos, solemos ayudarnos mutuamente.

  10. As friends, we usually help each other.


The verb "soler" originates from the Latin word "solere," which means "to be accustomed" or "to be used to." Its usage has retained a similar meaning across its evolution from Latin to modern Spanish.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Acostumbrar (to get used to) - Usar (to use) - Tener la costumbre (to have the habit)

Antonyms: - Evitar (to avoid) - Rechazar (to reject) - Desacostumbrar (to unaccustomed)

In summary, "soler" is an important verb in Spanish used to express habits and tendencies, frequently encountered in daily conversations and possessing historical roots in the Latin language.
