solicitada - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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solicitada (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Solicitada is a past participle used as an adjective in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

/soliθiˈtaða/ (in Spain)
/solisiˈtada/ (in Latin America)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Solicitada derives from the verb solicitar, which means 'to request' or 'to seek'. In legal contexts, it often refers to something that has been formally requested, such as a document, a service, or permission.

This term is commonly used in both written and spoken Spanish, especially in legal, administrative, or formal settings. It can denote urgency or officiality, depending on the context and often relates to procedural matters.

Example Sentences

  1. La información solicitada será enviada por correo electrónico.
  2. The requested information will be sent by email.

  3. La carta solicitada fue enviada el mes pasado.

  4. The requested letter was sent last month.

  5. Todas las pruebas solicitadas deben ser presentadas en el juicio.

  6. All requested evidence must be presented in the trial.

Idiomatic Expressions

Although "solicitada" itself is not commonly found in idiomatic expressions, the verb solicitar is often used in various phrases within administrative and formal contexts. Here are some instances:

  1. Solicitud solicitada
    "La solicitud solicitada debe ser completada antes de la fecha límite."
  2. "The requested application must be completed before the deadline."

  3. Solicitud de información solicitada
    "Recibí la solicitud de información solicitada por el cliente."

  4. "I received the request for information sought by the client."

  5. Documentos solicitados
    "Los documentos solicitados deben ser entregados en la oficina."

  6. "The requested documents must be submitted to the office."

  7. Resolución solicitada
    "La resolución solicitada se emitirá en los próximos días."

  8. "The requested resolution will be issued in the coming days."


The term solicitada comes from the verb solicitar, which originates from the Latin word sollicitare, meaning 'to disturb' or 'to stir up'. The prefix "sol-" suggests "together", while "citare" means "to call", indicating the act of calling upon or requesting something.



This overview of "solicitada" highlights its use in legal contexts, its meanings, and its relationship with the verb solicitar, demonstrating its relevance in both everyday and technical Spanish.
