solidariamente - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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solidariamente (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English


The term "solidariamente" comes from the adjective "solidario," which means 'shared responsibility' or 'supportive.' It is used primarily in legal and social contexts to express the idea that individuals or parties are acting together in a way that demonstrates mutual support and collective responsibility.

Use and Frequency

"Solidariamente" is frequently employed in legal language, particularly in contexts involving obligations, responsibilities, and collective actions. It is more common in written contexts such as legal documents, contracts, and formal agreements but can also be found in oral legal discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. Los socios del negocio responden solidariamente por las deudas adquiridas.
    (The partners in the business are jointly liable for the debts incurred.)

  2. Los miembros de la comunidad deben actuar solidariamente en tiempos de crisis.
    (Community members must act collectively in times of crisis.)

  3. Las organizaciones no gubernamentales trabajan solidariamente para ayudar a los afectados.
    (Non-governmental organizations work together to help those affected.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While "solidariamente" is not an idiomatic expression by itself, it can be associated with several phrases that emphasize collective responsibility or mutual support. Here are a few examples:

  1. Actuar solidariamente es clave en la resolución de conflictos.
    (Acting jointly is key in conflict resolution.)

  2. El apoyo solidario entre los ciudadanos es esencial en momentos difíciles.
    (Solidary support among citizens is essential in difficult times.)

  3. Es importante que las empresas actúen solidariamente con la comunidad.
    (It is important for companies to act collectively with the community.)

  4. La responsabilidad solidaria fomenta la confianza entre los miembros del grupo.
    (Joint responsibility fosters trust between group members.)

  5. Solidariamente podemos superar los desafíos que enfrentamos.
    (Together we can overcome the challenges we face.)


"Solidariamente" derives from the adjective "solidario," which comes from the Latin root "solidarius," meaning 'on solid ground' or 'consolidated.' The term evolved to signify a sense of unity, shared responsibility, and mutual support among individuals or groups.


