sosegado - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sosegado (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"So­segado" refers to a state of calmness or tranquility. It describes a setting or feeling that is peaceful, undisturbed, or free from agitation. The word is often used to characterize environments, moods, or states of being. It is moderately frequent in everyday conversations, appearing more often in written contexts such as literature or poetry than in informal spoken dialogue.

Example Sentences

  1. El río fluía sosegado a través del valle.
  2. The river flowed calmly through the valley.

  3. Necesito un lugar sosegado donde pueda pensar en mis ideas.

  4. I need a quiet place where I can think about my ideas.

Idiomatic Expressions

"So­segado" appears in various idiomatic expressions, particularly when conveying a sense of restful peace or serenity. Here are a few examples:

  1. Vivir en sosegado
  2. Encontrar un lugar para vivir en sosegado es un sueño para muchos.
  3. Finding a place to live in peace is a dream for many.

  4. Paz sosegada

  5. Después de un fin de semana agitado, disfruté de una paz sosegada en la cabaña.
  6. After a hectic weekend, I enjoyed a calm peace at the cabin.

  7. Estado sosegado

  8. Su voz tenía un estado sosegado que me tranquilizó.
  9. His voice had a serene state that calmed me.

  10. Momentos sosegados

  11. Valoro esos momentos sosegados cuando puedo reflexionar y desconectar.
  12. I cherish those peaceful moments when I can reflect and unplug.


The word "sosegado" originates from the Latin "sotagare," which means to calm or quiet. As it transitioned into Spanish, the meaning shifted slightly to emphasize a state of tranquility and calmness.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Tranquilo - Pacífico - Sereno - Silencioso

Antonyms: - Agitado - Ruidoso - Inquieto - Estresado
