sosegar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sosegar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Example Sentences

  1. Sosegar a un niño asustado puede ser un reto para muchos padres.
  2. Translation: Calming a scared child can be a challenge for many parents.

  3. Es importante sosegar los ánimos en una discusión.

  4. Translation: It is important to calm the tempers in a discussion.

  5. El terapeuta intenta sosegar el miedo de sus pacientes.

  6. Translation: The therapist tries to soothe the fear of his patients.

Idiomatic Expressions

Sosegar is not as prevalent in idiomatic expressions as other verbs may be; however, its semantically related forms can be involved in various phrases. Here are a few sentences using variations of the concept:

  1. Tras el escándalo, el ambiente se sosegó y todos pudieron hablar con tranquilidad.
  2. Translation: After the scandal, the atmosphere calmed down, and everyone could speak peacefully.

  3. Es difícil sosegar a aquellos que están muy inquietos.

  4. Translation: It is difficult to soothe those who are very restless.

  5. La tarde de llanto y gritos terminó en un momento de sosegar absoluto.

  6. Translation: The afternoon of crying and shouting ended in a moment of absolute calm.

  7. El paisaje tranquilo a su alrededor le ayudó a sosegar sus pensamientos.

  8. Translation: The tranquil landscape around him helped to calm his thoughts.


Synonyms and Antonyms

By identifying these aspects of the word "sosegar," we gain a better understanding of its implications and usages in the Spanish language.
