sosiego - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sosiego (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Sosiego is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Sosiego refers to a state of calmness, tranquility, or peace. In the Spanish language, it is often used to describe a peaceful and serene environment or a mental state free from agitation or disturbance. The word is more frequently encountered in written contexts, such as literature or poetry, but it can also be used in oral speech, especially in more formal or poetic dialogues.

Example Sentences

  1. La tarde estaba llena de sosiego, y todos se relajaron en el jardín.
    The afternoon was full of calm, and everyone relaxed in the garden.

  2. Necesito un momento de sosiego para poder concentrarme en mis pensamientos.
    I need a moment of tranquility to be able to focus on my thoughts.

  3. El sosiego del lago al amanecer era un espectáculo impresionante.
    The calm of the lake at dawn was an impressive sight.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "sosiego" is not often used in common idiomatic expressions, it embodies concepts that align with serenity and calm in various phrases. Here are some expressions featuring related words or ideas:

  1. Buscar el sosiego
    To seek calm
  2. Después de un día tan caótico, decidí buscar el sosiego en la naturaleza.
    After such a chaotic day, I decided to seek calm in nature.

  3. Ser un refugio de sosiego
    To be a refuge of tranquility

  4. La biblioteca se ha convertido en un refugio de sosiego para mí.
    The library has become a refuge of tranquility for me.

  5. Llevar una vida de sosiego
    To lead a life of peace

  6. Siempre he soñado en llevar una vida de sosiego alejado del estrés.
    I have always dreamed of leading a life of peace away from stress.


The term sosiego originates from the late Latin word societāgĭu(m), which reflects the idea of being quiet or calmness. It shares roots with Spanish verbs like "sosegar," which means "to calm" or "to soothe."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Calma - Tranquilidad - Serenidad - Paz

Antonyms: - Agitación - Estrés - Intranquilidad - Torbellino
