soslayar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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soslayar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

"Soslayar" is a transitive verb meaning to avoid or evade something, particularly when it comes to responsibilities, issues, or direct conversations. It is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, though its frequency can depend on the formal nature of the conversation or text. The word is more frequent in formal discussions or writing, where nuances in responsibility or obligation are addressed.

Example Sentences

  1. Es fácil soslayar los problemas en lugar de enfrentarlos.
    It is easy to evade problems instead of facing them.

  2. Al jefe no le gustó que intentara soslayar el tema en la reunión.
    The boss did not like it when I tried to sidestep the topic in the meeting.

  3. No podemos soslayar la importancia de la educación.
    We cannot bypass the importance of education.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Soslayar" can feature in idiomatic expressions that convey the notion of avoiding or evading issues or responsibilities. Here are some phrases:

  1. Soslayar la cuestión
    To evade the issue
    Example: Al soslayar la cuestión, no estamos resolviendo el problema.
    By evading the issue, we are not solving the problem.

  2. No hay que soslayar las responsabilidades
    One shouldn't evade responsibilities
    Example: En la empresa, no hay que soslayar las responsabilidades que nos corresponden.
    In the company, one shouldn't evade the responsibilities that belong to us.

  3. Soslayar el debate
    To dodge the debate
    Example: Soslayar el debate no nos llevará a ninguna solución concreta.
    Dodging the debate will not bring us to any concrete solution.

  4. Soslayar el conflicto
    To sidestep the conflict
    Example: A veces es mejor soslayar el conflicto en lugar de intensificarlo.
    Sometimes it is better to sidestep the conflict rather than escalate it.

  5. Soslayar la crítica
    To avoid criticism
    Example: Al soslayar la crítica, podemos mejorar nuestros procesos.
    By avoiding criticism, we can improve our processes.


The word "soslayar" derives from the Spanish verb "soslayar," which comes from the Latin "sublatāre," meaning "to lift or to raise up." As the language evolved, "soslayar" retained the meaning of evading or sidestepping issues.

Synonyms and Antonyms


