soslayo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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soslayo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "soslayo" primarily refers to the concept of something being at an angle or slant. It can also refer to a way of looking at something indirectly, hinting at avoidance or deception. The word is somewhat formal and may not be used as frequently in everyday conversation compared to simpler synonyms. However, it does find use in written contexts, especially in literature or when discussing specific topics like geometry or moral philosophy.

Example Sentences

  1. El soslayo de la colina ofrecía una vista espectacular del valle.
  2. The slope of the hill offered a spectacular view of the valley.

  3. Su mirada tenía un soslayo que me hacía sentir incómodo.

  4. His gaze had an averted aspect that made me feel uncomfortable.

  5. El soslayo de la casa le da un toque arquitectónico único.

  6. The tilt of the house gives it a unique architectural touch.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "soslayo" does not frequently appear in common idiomatic expressions, there are phrases that utilize the word to convey different contexts:

  1. Mirar de soslayo
  2. Signifies looking sideways or indirectly, often implying suspicion or avoidance.
  3. "La maestra miró de soslayo a los estudiantes que hablaban en clase."
  4. "The teacher glanced sideways at the students who were talking in class."

  5. Pasar por soslayo

  6. To overlook or pass something by, often being dismissive or ignoring.
  7. "No debemos pasar por soslayo las advertencias sobre el cambio climático."
  8. "We must not overlook the warnings about climate change."

  9. Acomodarse al soslayo

  10. Adapting to a situation by avoiding direct confrontation or engagement.
  11. "Siempre se acomoda al soslayo cuando hay un desacuerdo."
  12. "He always adapts on the sidelines when there is a disagreement."


"Soslayo" derives from the Spanish verb "soslayar," which means to slant or incline. This word has its roots in the Latin term "subiacere," which translates to "lie below." The evolution of this term over time reflects a shift from a physical inclination to metaphorical meanings related to indirectness and avoidance.

Synonyms and Antonyms

In the context of how it is used, "soslayo" conveys more nuanced meanings around indirectness or slanting, making it distinctive from more straightforward terms for "slope" or "angle."
