sosten - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sosten (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "sostén" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

In International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), "sostén" is transcribed as /sosˈten/.

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, "sostén" is commonly used to refer to a form of support or aid, either physically or metaphorically. In technical contexts, it may also refer to support mechanisms used in engineering and architecture, such as beams or braces. The word is used frequently in both oral and written forms, although it may appear more often in technical writing and discussions related to structural integrity.

Example Sentences

  1. Necesitamos un buen sostén para el proyecto que estamos desarrollando.
  2. We need a good support for the project we are developing.

  3. El sostén de la estructura es crucial para su estabilidad.

  4. The support of the structure is crucial for its stability.

  5. Ella compró un sostén nuevo que es muy cómodo.

  6. She bought a new bra that is very comfortable.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "sostén" is used in several idiomatic expressions in Spanish, mainly emphasizing the concept of support or reliance. Below are some examples:

  1. Sostén emocional
  2. Su amigo fue su sostén emocional en los momentos difíciles.
  3. His friend was his emotional support during tough times.

  4. Sostén financiero

  5. El trabajo adicional se convirtió en un sostén financiero para su familia.
  6. The extra job became a financial support for his family.

  7. Sostén físico

  8. La terapia fue su sostén físico después de la cirugía.
  9. The therapy was her physical support after the surgery.

  10. Punto de sostén

  11. El ingeniero estableció un punto de sostén en el diseño del puente.
  12. The engineer established a support point in the bridge design.

  13. Sostén moral

  14. En la carrera, el entrenador fue un sostén moral para todos los atletas.
  15. During the race, the coach was a moral support for all the athletes.


The word "sostén" comes from the verb "sostener," which derives from the Latin "sustinere," meaning "to hold up" or "to support." The prefix "sus-" means "up" and "tenere" means "to hold."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Apoyo (support) - Soporte (support, holder) - Respaldo (backing)

Antonyms: - Carga (burden) - Peso (weight)

This comprehensive overview of "sostén" illustrates its multifaceted meaning and usage across different contexts in Spanish, particularly in technical and emotional realms.
