sostener - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sostener (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The verb "sostener" refers to the act of holding something up or providing support for it. It can be used in both physical and abstract contexts. In economics, it may refer to sustaining financial support or stability. In law, it can refer to the act of maintaining a claim or argument.

Frequency of Use

The verb is common in both oral and written Spanish, often appearing in conversations about physical support or in discussions related to finance, law, or philosophical arguments.

Example Sentences

  1. Los pilares sostienen el techo de la casa.
    The pillars hold up the roof of the house.

  2. Es fundamental sostener la argumentación con pruebas sólidas.
    It is essential to support the argument with solid evidence.

  3. Debemos sostener nuestras promesas aunque sea difícil.
    We must maintain our promises even when it is difficult.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Sostener" is often included in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish, emphasizing different contexts of support or maintenance.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Sostener una conversación.
    To sustain a conversation.
    Es necesario sostener una conversación fluida para resolver el malentendido.
    It is necessary to sustain a fluent conversation to resolve the misunderstanding.

  2. Sostener la presión.
    To withstand pressure.
    Los atletas tienen que aprender a sostener la presión durante las competiciones.
    Athletes need to learn to withstand pressure during competitions.

  3. Sostener el peso de la responsabilidad.
    To bear the weight of responsibility.
    Ella sabe que tiene que sostener el peso de la responsabilidad en su trabajo.
    She knows she has to bear the weight of responsibility in her job.

  4. Sostener la mirada.
    To hold someone's gaze.
    Es importante sostener la mirada para mostrar confianza durante una entrevista.
    It is important to hold someone's gaze to show confidence during an interview.

  5. No se puede sostener el castillo en el aire.
    One cannot hold the castle in the air.
    Sus ideas eran demasiado irrealizables; simplemente no se puede sostener el castillo en el aire.
    His ideas were too unrealistic; one simply cannot hold the castle in the air.


The word "sostener" derives from the Latin sustinere, which is composed of 'sub-' (under) and 'tenere' (to hold). This etymology highlights its core meaning related to holding or supporting something.

Synonyms and Antonyms
