sostenerse - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sostenerse (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

"Sostenerse" generally means to maintain one's position, to support oneself, or to hold on. It is frequently used in both spoken and written Spanish. The term can refer to physical support, such as holding onto something to avoid falling, as well as metaphorical support, like sustaining someone's beliefs or opinions.

Frequency of Use: "Sostenerse" is used frequently in daily conversations, particularly in contexts discussing resilience and maintaining one's stance or position in various aspects of life, such as education, employment, or beliefs.

Example Sentences

  1. El anciano necesita un bastón para sostenerse.
    The elderly man needs a cane to hold on.

  2. Ella se esfuerza por sostenerse en su trabajo a pesar de las dificultades.
    She strives to sustain herself in her job despite the difficulties.

  3. Es importante aprender a sostenerse en momentos de crisis.
    It’s important to learn to stand firm in times of crisis.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Sostenerse" features in various idiomatic expressions used in the Spanish language. Here are a few common ones:

  1. Sostenerse a flote
    To stay afloat (figuratively, to remain in a difficult situation).
  2. Ejemplo: A pesar de las deudas, él siempre encuentra la manera de sostenerse a flote.
    Despite the debts, he always finds a way to stay afloat.

  3. Sostenerse firme
    To stand firm (to maintain a position or belief).

  4. Ejemplo: Debemos sostenernos firmes en nuestra decisión de ayudar a los demás.
    We must stand firm in our decision to help others.

  5. No hay quien se sostenga
    No one can hold on (usually referring to a situation that is overwhelming).

  6. Ejemplo: Con tantas tareas acumuladas, no hay quien se sostenga en el trabajo.
    With so many tasks piling up, no one can hold on at work.

  7. Sostenerse del brazo
    To hold on by the arm (to provide physical support).

  8. Ejemplo: La abuela se sostiene del brazo de su nieto mientras camina.
    The grandmother holds on to her grandson's arm while walking.


The verb "sostenerse" comes from the combination of the prefix "so-" (related to the Latin "sub", meaning "under") and "tener" (to hold or to have), implying the act of holding oneself up or maintaining one's position.

Synonyms and Antonyms
