sota - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
ChatGPT AI Dictionary

sota (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "sota" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In the context of card games, "sota" refers to the jack, which is a playing card featuring a young man or boy, typically depicted in a stylized form. It is the eleventh card in the suit and is often considered a face card along with the queen and king.

In Chile, "sota" is used frequently among those who play traditional card games, such as "mus" or "póker." It shows a moderate frequency of use mostly in oral contexts, particularly in conversations about card games, but it is also found in written rules and instructions for card games.

Example Sentences: 1. En el juego de cartas, la sota puede ser muy útil para ganar.
In the card game, the jack can be very useful for winning.

  1. Siempre elijo la sota cuando juego al blackjack.
    I always choose the jack when I play blackjack.

  2. Mi hermano consiguió una sota en su mano y eso lo hizo más confiado.
    My brother got a jack in his hand and that made him more confident.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "sota" does not have a broad range of idiomatic expressions associated with it as other common nouns might. However, in some contexts related to card games, players may refer to strategies or decisions based on "sota." Here are a few related expressions:

Example Sentences: 1. "Más vale tener una sota en mano que dos reyes volando."
Better to have a jack in hand than two kings flying. (Meaning: Having something you are sure of is better than having possibilities.)

  1. "Si sacas la sota, puedes cambiar el rumbo del juego."
    If you draw the jack, you can change the course of the game. (Meaning: One opportunity can dramatically change the situation.)


The word "sota" comes from the Old Spanish term "sota," which ultimately derives from the Latin word "socius," meaning companion or ally. Over time, it evolved to specifically denote the "jack" in a deck of playing cards.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This comprehensive breakdown provides insights into the term "sota" as used in the context of card games, particularly in Chile.
