sport - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sport (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "sport" in Spanish is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "deporte" (the Spanish equivalent of "sport") refers to physical activities involving skill and competition. It can also imply recreational activities or games that entail physical exertion, organization, and rules. The term is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in discussions about health, fitness, and leisure.

In Spanish, the word "deporte" is not only used to refer to specific sports (e.g., fútbol for football, baloncesto for basketball) but also encompasses the general concept of sports and physical activities.

Frequency of Use

"Deporte" is commonly used in daily conversation as well as in written contexts such as articles, books, and reports related to athletics, health, and recreation.

Example Sentences

  1. Me gusta practicar deporte en mi tiempo libre.
  2. I like to practice sports in my free time.

  3. El deporte es fundamental para una vida saludable.

  4. Sport is essential for a healthy life.

  5. Mi hermano se dedica profesionalmente al deporte.

  6. My brother is a professional athlete.

Idiomatic Expressions

In Spanish, "deporte" is part of several idiomatic expressions:

  1. Hacer deporte - To play sports.
  2. Es importante hacer deporte todos los días.
  3. It’s important to play sports every day.

  4. Deporte extremo - Extreme sports.

  5. El deporte extremo es muy emocionante pero también peligroso.
  6. Extreme sports are very exciting but also dangerous.

  7. Deporte de equipo - Team sport.

  8. El baloncesto es un deporte de equipo que requiere colaboración.
  9. Basketball is a team sport that requires collaboration.

  10. Estar en forma/Deporte - To be fit/To do sports.

  11. Para estar en forma, debes practicar deporte regularmente.
  12. To stay fit, you should regularly play sports.

  13. Ser un buen deportista - To be a good athlete.

  14. Mi amigo es un buen deportista porque siempre entrena duro.
  15. My friend is a good athlete because he always trains hard.


The word "deporte" comes from the Latin "deportare," which means "to carry away" or "to remove". Historically, it evolved from denoting leisurely or entertaining activities to its current definition as physical games or sports.



In summary, "deporte" is a fundamental term in Spanish-speaking cultures, reflecting the value placed on physical activity, competition, and leisure. It plays a significant role in both social and health contexts, with numerous expressions and a broad range of meanings.
