suave - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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suave (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Suave" is primarily an adjective in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Soft
  2. Smooth
  3. Gentle
  4. Mild

Meaning and Usage

The word "suave" is used to describe something that is soft to the touch, smooth in texture, or gentle in manner. It can refer to physical sensations, such as the texture of fabric or food, or it can describe a person's disposition, indicating gentleness or mildness. In terms of frequency of use, "suave" is common in both oral and written forms, although it might appear more frequently in descriptive contexts, such as literature or advertising.

Example Sentences

  1. La tela de este vestido es muy suave.
  2. The fabric of this dress is very soft.
  3. Su voz es suave y melodiosa.
  4. His voice is soft and melodious.
  5. Prefiero un aire acondicionado con un flujo de aire suave.
  6. I prefer an air conditioner with a gentle airflow.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Suave" is often included in various idiomatic expressions, typically referring to gentleness or smoothness in various contexts.

Idiomatic Example Sentences

  1. Estar en un lugar suave.
  2. To be in a comfortable place.
  3. Pasar un día suave.
  4. To have an easy/pleasant day.
  5. Hablar de manera suave.
  6. To speak gently.
  7. Llevar la vida suave.
  8. To lead an easy life.


The word "suave" originates from the Latin "suavis," which means "sweet, agreeable, or pleasant." The transition to Spanish maintained its meaning, though it broadened to encompass not just sweetness but also smoothness and gentleness.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Blando (soft) - Tierno (tender) - Dulce (sweet)

Antonyms: - Duro (hard) - Áspero (rough) - Feroz (fierce)

Overall, "suave" is a diverse and useful word in the Spanish language, applicable in various contexts related to texture, character, and overall pleasantness.
