suavidad - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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suavidad (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Suavidad" is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Suavidad" refers to the quality or state of being soft, smooth, or gentle. It is used in Spanish to describe physical textures, such as the softness of a fabric or the smoothness of a surface, as well as more abstract qualities, such as calmness or gentleness in demeanor.

The term is used fairly frequently in both written and spoken contexts, often in descriptions of tactile attributes or emotional states. However, it tends to appear more in written contexts, such as literature or formal descriptions.

Example Sentences

  1. La suavidad de su piel era impresionante.
  2. The softness of her skin was impressive.

  3. Busqué una almohada que tuviera la suavidad que necesitaba para dormir bien.

  4. I looked for a pillow that had the softness I needed for a good sleep.

  5. La suavidad de la música ayudó a relajar el ambiente.

  6. The smoothness of the music helped to relax the atmosphere.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "suavidad" is not particularly prominent in idiomatic expressions, it contributes to several phrases that convey gentleness or softness.

Example Idiomatic Sentences

  1. Hablar con suavidad puede hacer una gran diferencia en una discusión.
  2. Speaking with gentleness can make a big difference in a discussion.

  3. Siempre recibimos la suavidad del trato en esa tienda.

  4. We always receive a gentle treatment in that store.

  5. Su suavidad en la expresión calma a todos a su alrededor.

  6. Her gentleness in expression calms everyone around her.


The word "suavidad" derives from the Latin "suavitas," which comes from "suavis," meaning "sweet" or "pleasant." Its roots pertain to textures and sensations that evoke comfort and pleasure.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Ternura (tenderness) - Suavizante (softener, in terms of both texture and attitude)

Antonyms: - Dureza (hardness) - Rugosidad (roughness)

This comprehensive breakdown of "suavidad" emphasizes its usage, meanings, and relevance both linguistically and contextually in the Spanish language.
