suba - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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suba (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Suba is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription

IPA: /ˈswa.βa/

Translation Options into English

The word "suba" can be translated to English as: - rise - increase - climb

Meaning and Usage

In the context of economics and specifically in Argentina, "suba" refers to an increase or rise, often in relation to prices, salaries, or other economic metrics. It is frequently used in discussions about inflation, wage adjustments, and market trends. The term is commonly used in both written and spoken contexts, though it may appear more often in reports, articles, and economic analyses.

Example Sentences

  1. La suba de precios ha afectado el poder adquisitivo de los trabajadores.
  2. The rise in prices has affected the purchasing power of workers.

  3. La suba del salario mínimo es necesaria para enfrentar la inflación.

  4. The increase in the minimum wage is necessary to cope with inflation.

  5. Expertos advierten sobre la suba de tasas de interés en el próximo año.

  6. Experts warn about the rise in interest rates in the coming year.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Suba" is often found in idiomatic expressions in Spanish, particularly in economic discussions. Here are a few examples:

  1. Hacer una suba
  2. Translation: To make an increase
  3. Example: La empresa decidió hacer una suba en sus precios para cubrir costos.

    • The company decided to make an increase in its prices to cover costs.
  4. Suba y baja

  5. Translation: Rise and fall
  6. Example: El mercado de acciones está en una constante suba y baja.

    • The stock market is in a constant rise and fall.
  7. Suba desmesurada

  8. Translation: Excessive increase
  9. Example: La suba desmesurada de precios ha llevado a protestas en la ciudad.
    • The excessive increase in prices has led to protests in the city.


The word "suba" comes from the Spanish verb "subir," which means "to rise" or "to go up." The suffix "-a" indicates a noun form that relates to the action of rising.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Aumento (increase) - Incremento (increment)

Antonyms: - Baja (decrease) - Reducción (reduction)

This comprehensive information about the term "suba" highlights its significance in the economic context specific to Argentina, showcasing its usage, related idiomatic expressions, and linguistic details.
