subalterno - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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subalterno (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Subaltern
  2. Junior officer
  3. Subordinate (depending on context)

Meaning and Usage

The term "subalterno" refers to a subordinate or junior officer, typically in a military context. In broader usage, it can denote someone in a subordinate position in various organizational structures. The word is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in discussions related to military hierarchies, organizational dynamics, or social status.

Frequency of Use

"Subalterno" is moderately used in various sectors, especially in military and academic discussions about power dynamics and hierarchies. It is prevalent in written academic literature and formal conversations but can also be found in everyday speech among professionals in related fields.

Example Sentences

  1. El subalterno realizó su informe después de la reunión.
    The subordinate submitted his report after the meeting.

  2. Un subalterno siempre sigue las órdenes de su superior.
    A junior officer always follows the orders of his superior.

  3. En el ejército, el subalterno debe demostrar liderazgo ante sus hombres.
    In the army, the subaltern must show leadership in front of his men.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "subalterno" may not be the central word in many idiomatic expressions, it does appear in several contexts discussing power dynamics and relationships. Here are a few examples:

  1. Ser un subalterno obediente.
    To be an obedient subordinate.
    Es importante en el ejército ser un subalterno obediente y seguir las órdenes.
    It is important in the army to be an obedient subordinate and follow orders.

  2. El papel del subalterno.
    The role of the subordinate.
    El papel del subalterno no se debe subestimar en la estructura del comando.
    The role of the subordinate should not be underestimated in the command structure.

  3. Un subalterno leal.
    A loyal subordinate.
    Siempre se necesita un subalterno leal para asegurar el éxito de la misión.
    A loyal subordinate is always needed to ensure the success of the mission.

  4. Elevando a un subalterno.
    Raising a subordinate.
    El comandante pasó mucho tiempo elevando a un subalterno con potencial.
    The commander spent much time raising a subordinate with potential.


The word "subalterno" is derived from the Latin "subalternus," which means "of lower rank." This Latin term is composed of "sub," meaning "under," and "alternus," which refers to "other" or "alternative." Over time, it evolved into the Spanish term retaining the connotation of a lesser rank or status.

Synonyms and Antonyms


  1. Subordinado (subordinate)
  2. Inferior (inferior)
  3. Auxiliar (auxiliary)


  1. Superior (superior)
  2. Jefe (chief)
  3. Líder (leader)
