subida - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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subida (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Subida" is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Subida" refers to an upward movement, an increase in quantity, or a climb in various contexts. In Spanish, it can describe physical ascension, like climbing a hill, or metaphorically, such as an increase in prices or economic indicators.

The term is frequently used in both oral and written contexts. In economic discussions, it might be more common in articles and reports, while in everyday conversation, it can easily refer to a physical rise, such as the subida de un precio (price rise).

Example Sentences

  1. La subida de la montaña fue agotadora pero hermosa.
  2. The climb of the mountain was exhausting but beautiful.

  3. Hemos notado una subida en los precios de los alimentos este mes.

  4. We have noticed an increase in food prices this month.

  5. La subida del interés por la sostenibilidad ha llevado a más personas a adoptar hábitos ecológicos.

  6. The rise in interest in sustainability has led more people to adopt eco-friendly habits.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "subida" features in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish, often implying an increase in intensity or visibility.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. La subida de temperaturas ha hecho que la gente busque más actividades acuáticas.
  2. The rise in temperatures has made people seek more water activities.

  3. A pesar de la subida de tensiones en la región, el diálogo sigue siendo la mejor solución.

  4. Despite the rise in tensions in the region, dialogue remains the best solution.

  5. La subida de la popularidad de esa serie ha sorprendido a todos los críticos.

  6. The rise in popularity of that series has surprised all the critics.

  7. Con la subida del dólar, muchos están reconsiderando sus vacaciones en el extranjero.

  8. With the rise of the dollar, many are reconsidering their holidays abroad.


The word "subida" comes from the verb "subir," which means "to ascend, to rise." The suffix "-ida" often indicates a result or an action, forming nouns that describe the process or result of the action.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Ascenso (ascent) - Aumento (increase) - Elevación (elevation)

Antonyms: - Bajada (descent) - Reducción (decrease) - Descenso (drop)

This comprehensive overview should provide a solid understanding of the word "subida" in various contexts and usages in the Spanish language.
