subir - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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subir (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The verb "subir" in Spanish means to move from a lower position to a higher one, whether physically (like climbing a mountain) or figuratively (like increasing prices). It can be used to refer to a rise in temperature, an increase in levels, or uploading content to the internet. "Subir" is commonly used in everyday conversation as well as in written texts, making it a versatile and frequently encountered verb.

Frequency of Use

"Subir" is a common verb in the Spanish language and can be found in both oral and written contexts. It is particularly prevalent in discussions related to movement or technology.

Example Sentences

  1. Me gusta subir montañas durante el verano.
  2. I enjoy climbing mountains during the summer.

  3. Ella decidió subir la foto a sus redes sociales.

  4. She decided to upload the photo to her social media.

  5. Los precios han comenzado a subir en el mercado.

  6. Prices have started to rise in the market.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Subir" is frequently used in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Here are a few:

  1. Subir por las nubes
  2. Significa que algo está muy caro.
  3. "Los precios de la vivienda están subiendo por las nubes."

    • The housing prices are skyrocketing.
  4. Subir a alguien a caballo

  5. Hacer que alguien se sienta superior o privilegiado.
  6. "Siempre tiene que subir a su hermano a caballo cuando se trata de repartir responsabilidades."

    • He always has to put his brother on a pedestal when it comes to dividing responsibilities.
  7. Subir el nivel

  8. Aumentar la calidad o las expectativas.
  9. "Es importante subir el nivel de nuestras presentaciones para impresionar a los clientes."

    • It's important to raise the standard of our presentations to impress clients.
  10. Subir a la ola

  11. Aprovechar una oportunidad o tendencia.
  12. "Si quieres triunfar, tienes que subir a la ola de las redes sociales."
    • If you want to succeed, you have to ride the wave of social media.


The word "subir" comes from the Latin "subire," derived from "sub-" meaning "under" and "ire" meaning "to go." The evolution of the term reflects the action of going up from under.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Elevar (to elevate) - Ascender (to ascend) - Aumentar (to increase)

Antonyms: - Bajar (to go down) - Descender (to descend) - Reducir (to reduce)
