subirse - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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subirse (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


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Meaning and Usage

"Subirse" is a reflexive verb in Spanish which primarily means "to get on" or "to climb up." It is utilized in various contexts, such as getting on a vehicle, climbing up structures, or even metaphorically in phrases like "subirse a la fama" (to rise to fame). The frequency of use is high in both oral and written contexts, with a slight tendency towards more frequent use in everyday spoken language, especially when referring to physical actions.

Example Sentences

  1. Me voy a subir al tren.
    (I'm going to get on the train.)

  2. El gato se subió a la ventana.
    (The cat climbed onto the window.)

  3. Debemos subirnos a la montaña antes del anochecer.
    (We must climb up the mountain before nightfall.)

Idiomatic Expressions

"Subirse" is also part of several idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Here are a few examples:

  1. Subirse a la fama
  2. Meaning: To rise to fame.
  3. Example: Después de su éxito, muchos artistas quieren subirse a la fama rápidamente.
    (After his success, many artists want to rise to fame quickly.)

  4. Subirse por las paredes

  5. Meaning: To be very agitated or nervous.
  6. Example: Cuando me dijeron que había un retraso del vuelo, me subí por las paredes.
    (When they told me there was a flight delay, I became very agitated.)

  7. Subirse la moral

  8. Meaning: To boost one's morale.
  9. Example: Las buenas noticias nos subieron la moral a todos.
    (The good news boosted everyone's morale.)

  10. Subirse al carro

  11. Meaning: To join a trend or movement; to get involved.
  12. Example: Siempre hay personas que se suben al carro de una moda sin entenderla.
    (There are always people who jump on the bandwagon of a trend without understanding it.)

  13. No te subas al burro

  14. Meaning: Don’t get (too) excited or confident.
  15. Example: Gana un partido y ya se creen campeones. No te subas al burro.
    (They win one match and they think they’re champions. Don’t get too excited.)


The verb "subir" comes from the Latin term "subire," which means "to go under" or "to ascend." This evolution reflects the functional shift towards physical and metaphorical climbing or rising.



This comprehensive overview provides insights into the usage, meaning, and context of the word "subirse" in the Spanish language.
