sublimar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sublimar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

  1. To sublimate
  2. To elevate
  3. To exalt

Meaning and Usage

The verb "sublimar" is derived from the Latin "sublimare," which means to elevate or to raise. In Spanish, the term is commonly used in both scientific contexts, particularly in chemistry where it refers to the phase transition from a solid directly to a gas, bypassing the liquid state, and in psychological contexts, referring to the process of transforming unacceptable impulses into socially acceptable actions or behaviors.

In terms of frequency, "sublimar" is used primarily in written contexts, especially within academic and professional settings related to science and psychology. It is less commonly used in oral everyday conversations.

Example Sentences

  1. La sustancia puede sublimar a altas temperaturas.
  2. The substance can sublimate at high temperatures.

  3. El artista logró sublimar sus emociones a través de su obra.

  4. The artist managed to sublimate his emotions through his work.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "sublimar" is not as commonly found in idiomatic expressions, it does appear in contexts discussing psychological processes or artistic expression. Here are a few sentences using related idiomatic expressions:

  1. Sublimar los sentimientos nos ayuda a manejarlos mejor.
  2. Sublimating feelings helps us manage them better.

  3. Es importante sublimar las frustraciones para mantener una buena salud mental.

  4. It is important to sublimate frustrations to maintain good mental health.

  5. El proceso de sublimación permite transformar la energía negativa en creatividad.

  6. The sublimation process allows you to transform negative energy into creativity.


The term "sublimar" originates from the Latin word "sublimare," which comprises "sub-" (under) and "limis" (threshold). The evolution of the word reflects the dual notion of raising or elevating something, either in a physical or metaphorical sense.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This information provides a comprehensive view of the term "sublimar" across different contexts and usages, shedding light on its significance in both scientific and psychological domains.
