sublime - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sublime (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "sublime" is used to refer to something that is outstanding, awe-inspiring, or of great beauty and grandeur. In a medical context, it might describe a state or condition that exceeds normal expectations or standards. In literature, it often refers to techniques that elevate the text to an artistic or emotional peak.

In Spanish, "sublime" can be used in both oral and written contexts, but it tends to appear more frequently in written texts, especially in literature and academic discourse, given its formal nature.

Frequency of Use

The term "sublime" is moderately used in the Spanish language, particularly in poetic or philosophical discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. La naturaleza es verdaderamente sublime en esta época del año.
  2. Nature is truly sublime at this time of year.

  3. La obra del artista fue considerada sublime por la crítica.

  4. The artist's work was deemed sublime by the critics.

  5. Experimentar un momento sublime puede cambiar tu perspectiva de la vida.

  6. Experiencing a sublime moment can change your perspective on life.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "sublime" is often used in various idiomatic expressions that convey extraordinary or elevated states. Here are a few examples:

  1. Estar en un estado sublime
  2. Estar en un estado sublime es sentir una felicidad inmensa.
  3. Being in a sublime state is to feel immense happiness.

  4. Cantar de manera sublime

  5. Ella canta de manera sublime, llenando el aire de pura magia.
  6. She sings in a sublime manner, filling the air with pure magic.

  7. Sublime ocasión

  8. Fue una sublime ocasión para celebrar la amistad.
  9. It was a sublime occasion to celebrate friendship.

  10. Crear algo sublime

  11. El poeta consiguió crear algo sublime con sus palabras.
  12. The poet managed to create something sublime with his words.

  13. Un sentimiento sublime

  14. Experimentar un sentimiento sublime es inexplicable.
  15. Experiencing a sublime feeling is inexplicable.


The word "sublime" comes from the Latin "sublimis," which means "uplifted" or "elevated." It later entered Old French as "sublime" before being adopted into the Spanish language. The root conveys notions of elevation, height, and grandeur.

Synonyms and Antonyms


