subordinado - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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subordinado (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Subordinado is an adjective and can also function as a noun in the Spanish language.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word subordinado refers to someone or something that is subordinate, meaning it is lower in rank, authority, or importance compared to others. In legal contexts, it often describes a position with lesser power or control, such as an employee in relation to a manager.

Frequency of Use

Subordinado is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in business, organizational hierarchies, and legal language. It appears frequently in discussions about authority, leadership, and workplace dynamics.

Example Sentences

  1. El gerente tiene bajo su mando a varios empleados subordinados.
  2. The manager has several subordinate employees under his command.

  3. En la jerarquía de la empresa, los directores supervisan a los subordinados.

  4. In the company's hierarchy, the directors supervise the subordinates.

  5. Los subordinados deben seguir las instrucciones de sus superiores.

  6. Subordinates must follow the instructions of their superiors.

Idiomatic Expressions

While subordinado itself isn't a common part of idiomatic expressions, it can appear in discussions about hierarchy and authority. Here are some expressions that revolve around the concept of subordination:

  1. Bajo el mando de un subordinado
  2. Bajo el mando de un subordinado, el proyecto fue un éxito.
  3. Under the command of a subordinate, the project was a success.

  4. Ser subordinado a alguien

  5. No me gusta ser subordinado a alguien que no escucha mis ideas.
  6. I do not like being subordinate to someone who does not listen to my ideas.

  7. Tener un rol subordinado

  8. En su nuevo trabajo, tiene un rol subordinado, pero está aprendiendo mucho.
  9. In his new job, he has a subordinate role, but he is learning a lot.

  10. Relación superior-subordinado

  11. La relación superior-subordinado es crucial para un ambiente laboral saludable.
  12. The superior-subordinate relationship is crucial for a healthy work environment.

  13. Permitir a los subordinados tomar decisiones

  14. Es importante permitir a los subordinados tomar decisiones en su área de trabajo.
  15. It is important to allow subordinates to make decisions in their area of work.


The word subordinado derives from the Latin word subordinatus, which is the past participle of subordinare, meaning "to place in a lower rank". It combines "sub-", meaning "under", and "ordinare", meaning "to arrange".

Synonyms and Antonyms


