subrayar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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subrayar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Subrayar is a verb in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. To underline
  2. To highlight
  3. To emphasize

Meaning and Usage

Subrayar means to draw a line under a word or section of text, typically for the purpose of emphasizing it or making it stand out. The word is frequently used in both written and oral contexts, often related to educational settings like classrooms or study sessions. In general conversation, it can also mean to emphasize a point or to stress the importance of something.

Example Sentences

  1. Es importante subrayar las ideas principales del texto.
    It's important to underline the main ideas of the text.

  2. El profesor pidió que subrayáramos las definiciones en el libro.
    The teacher asked us to underline the definitions in the book.

  3. Voy a subrayar esta frase porque es clave para entender el tema.
    I am going to underline this sentence because it is key to understanding the topic.

Idiomatic Expressions

The verb subrayar can be found in various idiomatic expressions, often pertaining to emphasizing or making something stand out:

  1. Subrayar la importancia de
    To underline the importance of
  2. Es esencial subrayar la importancia del agua en nuestras vidas.
    It is essential to underline the importance of water in our lives.

  3. Subrayar un punto
    To underline a point

  4. El orador quiso subrayar un punto crucial durante su discurso.
    The speaker wanted to underline a crucial point during his speech.

  5. Subrayar las diferencias
    To underline the differences

  6. El informe subraya las diferencias entre los dos métodos.
    The report underlines the differences between the two methods.

  7. No olvides subrayar los aspectos negativos.
    Don't forget to underline the negative aspects.

  8. Es fundamental subrayar los aspectos negativos del proyecto para tener una visión completa.
    It is essential to underline the negative aspects of the project to have a complete view.


The word subrayar comes from the prefix "sub-" meaning "under" and the verb "rayar," which means "to scratch" or "to draw lines." Thus, subrayar literally translates to "to draw lines underneath."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Hacer énfasis - Resaltar - Destacar

Antonyms: - Disimular - Omitir - Ignorar

In summary, subrayar is a versatile verb commonly used in various contexts to imply emphasis or importance, often visually denoted by underlining text.
