subrogar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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subrogar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The verb “subrogar” in Spanish primarily refers to the legal concept of substituting one party's position or rights for another’s in a contractual agreement. It is often used in legal contexts involving contracts, loans, and obligations where one entity replaces another’s responsibilities or claims.

Frequency of Use: The term is more frequently used in written legal documents and discussions than in everyday oral speech, although it may be encountered in legal consultations or discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. La empresa decidió subrogar a un nuevo proveedor para el suministro de materiales.
  2. The company decided to subrogate a new supplier for material supply.

  3. En caso de incumplimiento del contrato, se puede subrogar al acreedor.

  4. In case of breach of contract, the creditor can be subrogated.

  5. Los derechos de la póliza se subrogarán a la aseguradora en caso de accidente.

  6. The rights of the policy will be subrogated to the insurance company in case of an accident.

Idiomatic Expressions

Though “subrogar” isn't commonly found in a variety of idiomatic expressions, it can relate closely to specific legal or contractual scenarios. Here are some examples illustrating its usage:

  1. Al aceptar las condiciones del nuevo acuerdo, nos subrogamos en todos los derechos y obligaciones previos.
  2. By accepting the conditions of the new agreement, we subrogated ourselves to all previous rights and obligations.

  3. En este caso, el deudor no puede subrogar sus responsabilidades a otra persona sin el permiso del acreedor.

  4. In this case, the debtor cannot subrogate their responsibilities to another person without the creditor's permission.


The verb “subrogar” comes from the Latin word subrogare, which means "to choose as a substitute" or "to put in place of another." It is composed of the prefix sub- meaning "under" or "instead," and rogare, meaning "to ask" or "to propose."

Synonyms and Antonyms
