subsanar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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subsanar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Verb (transitive)

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, "subsanar" generally means to correct or remedy a mistake or an error. It is often used in contexts where something needs to be fixed or amended, particularly in legal or administrative matters. The term is commonly employed in written contexts, especially in professional, legal, and bureaucratic documents, but it also appears in oral speech.

Frequency of Use

"Subsanar" is relatively formal and is often associated with contexts demanding precision, like legal documents or formal reports. It is less commonly used in casual conversations.

Example Sentences

  1. Es importante subsanar cualquier error en el contrato antes de firmarlo.
    Translation: It is important to remedy any mistakes in the contract before signing it.

  2. La empresa necesita subsanar las quejas de los clientes para mantener su reputación.
    Translation: The company needs to rectify customer complaints to maintain its reputation.

  3. El tribunal decidió subsanar las deficiencias en la documentación presentada.
    Translation: The court decided to correct the deficiencies in the submitted documentation.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "subsanar" may not frequently appear in widely recognized idiomatic expressions, it is often used in specific contexts related to corrections and improvements. Below are some examples of how "subsanar" can appear in phrases that resonate in legal and formal situations:

  1. Subsanar errores de forma
    “Es crucial subsanar errores de forma antes de la presentación final del informe.”
    Translation: It is crucial to rectify formal errors before the final submission of the report.

  2. Subsanar faltas
    “El abogado intentó subsanar faltas en la defensa del acusado.”
    Translation: The lawyer tried to remedy flaws in the defense of the accused.

  3. Subsanar una omisión
    “Tuvieron que subsanar una omisión en los documentos oficiales para evitar problemas legales.”
    Translation: They had to correct an omission in the official documents to avoid legal issues.

  4. Subsanar problemas
    “La empresa está trabajando arduamente para subsanar problemas con su sistema de gestión.”
    Translation: The company is working hard to rectify issues with its management system.


The word "subsanar" comes from the Latin verb "subsanare," which means "to heal" or "to remedy." It is formed with the prefix "sub-" meaning "under" or "up to," and "sanare," meaning "to heal." Over time, it has come to encompass meanings focused on correction and rectification in various contexts.

Synonyms and Antonyms


