subsiguiente - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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subsiguiente (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The term "subsiguiente" is used in both general and legal contexts to refer to something that comes after or follows another in time, order, or sequence. Its usage is fairly frequent in written Spanish, especially in formal documents or texts that discuss procedures, laws, or sequences of events. In everyday conversation, although it can still be used, alternatives such as "siguiente" (next) may be more common.

Example Sentences

  1. El evento se llevará a cabo el día subsiguiente a la reunión.
  2. The event will take place the day subsequent to the meeting.

  3. El informe será revisado en la fecha subsiguiente.

  4. The report will be reviewed on the subsequent date.

  5. En el subsiguiente capítulo, se abordarán nuevas teorías.

  6. In the subsequent chapter, new theories will be addressed.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "subsiguiente" is not commonly found in many idiomatic expressions; however, it can be part of more formal phrases. Below are some sentences that illustrate its use in a broader context of sequence and order.

  1. La decisión fue revisada en el procedimiento subsiguiente.
  2. The decision was reviewed in the subsequent procedure.

  3. En toda relación laboral, hay que tener en cuenta los efectos subsiguientes de las decisiones tomadas.

  4. In any employment relationship, one must consider the subsequent effects of the decisions made.

  5. Durante el juicio, se presentaron evidencias en el subsiguiente día.

  6. During the trial, evidence was presented on the subsequent day.

  7. Las acciones de la compañía en el año subsiguiente fueron muy exitosas.

  8. The company’s actions in the subsequent year were very successful.

  9. En el informe se detallan los pasos subsiguientes a seguir.

  10. The report details the subsequent steps to follow.


The word "subsiguiente" derives from the Latin "subsequentem," the accusative masculine singular form of "subsequens," which means "following." The prefix "sub-" indicates "under" or "below," and "sequi" means "to follow." Over time, this evolved in the Spanish language to refer more specifically to chronological or sequential following.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Siguiente (next) - Posterior (posterior)

Antonyms: - Anterior (anterior) - Precedente (preceding)

This comprehensive examination of the word "subsiguiente" reveals its significance and applications within the Spanish language, specifically in both general and legal contexts.
