substancioso - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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substancioso (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The word "substancioso" is used in Spanish to describe something that has substance or is rich in material, content, or meaning. It can refer to food that is hearty and filling or to ideas, conversations, or arguments that are meaningful and well-developed. The word is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, though it may slightly lean towards formal or literary registers. It is somewhat frequent in general usage.

Example Sentences

  1. La sopa es muy substanciosa y te llenará rápidamente.
  2. The soup is very substantial and will fill you up quickly.

  3. Necesitamos tener una conversación substanciosa sobre nuestros proyectos.

  4. We need to have a meaningful conversation about our projects.

  5. Su discurso fue substancioso y lleno de ideas innovadoras.

  6. His speech was substantial and full of innovative ideas.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "substancioso" is not commonly used in fixed idiomatic expressions, but it can be found in phrases that emphasize richness or depth, particularly regarding discussions or food.

Example Sentences

  1. Esta charla es más substanciosa de lo que pensé.
  2. This talk is more substantial than I thought.

  3. El libro ofrece una perspectiva substanciosa sobre la historia.

  4. The book offers a substantial perspective on history.

  5. Las comidas en este restaurante son notoriamente substanciosas.

  6. The meals at this restaurant are notoriously hearty.


The term "substancioso" derives from the Latin word "substantiosus," which means "of substance." The root "substantia" translates to "substance," indicating the idea of having a solid foundation or essence.

Synonyms and Antonyms
