substantivo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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substantivo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term substantivo refers to a part of speech that represents a person, animal, thing, place, idea, or concept. In Spanish grammar, nouns can be classified as common or proper, and they can exist in singular or plural forms. The noun serves as the subject of a sentence or can act as an object. It is frequently used in both oral speech and written contexts, though certain technical discussions about grammar may occur more often in written form.

Frequency of Use

The term is quite common in educational, linguistic, and general discussions about grammar. Given its role in sentence construction, it is frequently encountered in both spoken and written Spanish.

Example Sentences

  1. Los sustantivos son fundamentales en la construcción de oraciones.
    (Nouns are fundamental in the construction of sentences.)

  2. En español, los sustantivos pueden ser masculinos o femeninos.
    (In Spanish, nouns can be masculine or feminine.)

  3. Los estudiantes deben identificar el sustantivo en cada oración.
    (Students must identify the noun in each sentence.)

Idiomatic Expressions with "Sustantivo"

Although sustantivo is a straightforward grammatical term, it can appear in various idiomatic expressions related to language, grammar, or writing. Here are some examples:

  1. Decidir qué palabra es un sustantivo es el primer paso para entender la gramática.
    (Deciding which word is a noun is the first step to understanding grammar.)

  2. En la frase, el sustantivo puede cambiar el significado del enunciado.
    (In the sentence, the noun can change the meaning of the statement.)

  3. Los sustantivos son la base de la comunicación efectiva en cualquier idioma.
    (Nouns are the foundation of effective communication in any language.)

  4. Para los escritores, el uso correcto de un sustantivo aporta claridad al texto.
    (For writers, the correct use of a noun adds clarity to the text.)

  5. Al aprender un idioma nuevo, es fundamental reconocer los sustantivos que se usan con más frecuencia.
    (When learning a new language, it is essential to recognize the nouns that are used most frequently.)


The word sustantivo traces its origins to the Latin substantivus, which means "substantial" or "standing under." This relates to how nouns serve as a foundation in language, representing a substantial part of communication.

Synonyms and Antonyms
