substituir - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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substituir (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The verb "sustituir" means to replace one thing with another, to take the place of something, or to provide an alternative. It is commonly used in various contexts, from everyday conversations to technical language in fields like education, science, and business.

In terms of frequency, "sustituir" is used quite often in both oral and written contexts, although it tends to appear more frequently in written communication, such as academic papers, articles, and formal documents.

Example Sentences

  1. Es necesario sustituir el aceite de cocina si está rancio.
  2. It is necessary to replace the cooking oil if it is rancid.

  3. La profesora decidió sustituir el examen final por un proyecto de investigación.

  4. The teacher decided to substitute the final exam with a research project.

  5. Tienes que sustituir la batería del control remoto.

  6. You need to replace the remote control's battery.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "sustituir" itself is not frequently part of idiomatic expressions, it can appear in some common phrases related to replacement or substitution. Here are a few examples:

  1. Sustituir a alguien en el trabajo puede ser complicado.
  2. To substitute someone at work can be complicated.

  3. El doctor dijo que sustituir la carne por verduras es beneficioso para la salud.

  4. The doctor said that substituting meat for vegetables is beneficial for health.

  5. Es mejor sustituir la pereza por la dedicación si quieres lograr tus metas.

  6. It is better to replace laziness with dedication if you want to achieve your goals.

  7. En ciertos casos, sustituir un enfoque tradicional por uno innovador trae buenos resultados.

  8. In some cases, substituting a traditional approach for an innovative one yields good results.

  9. Al cocinar, puedes sustituir el azúcar por miel para obtener un sabor diferente.

  10. When cooking, you can substitute sugar for honey for a different flavor.


The word "sustituir" comes from the Latin "substituere," which is composed of "sub" (meaning "under" or "instead") and "statuere" (meaning "to place" or "to set"). This reflects the core meaning of placing something in the place of another.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Reemplazar - Suplir - Cambiar - Intercambiar

Antonyms: - Conservar - Mantener - Retener

This comprehensive information should give you a deeper understanding of the word "sustituir" in the Spanish language.
