substraer - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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substraer (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Verbo (verb)

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Substraer" is a verb that means to remove a quantity from another in mathematics, specifically referring to the operation of subtraction. In legal and general contexts, it may refer to taking away or deducting components from a total. The term is relatively common in spoken and written language, often utilized in mathematical education, academic writings, and legal documents concerning budget calculations or financial statements.

Frequency of Use: It is more frequently used in written contexts, especially in academic or technical documentation than in everyday conversation.

Example Sentences

  1. Para resolver la ecuación, necesitas substraer 5 del número 10.
  2. To solve the equation, you need to subtract 5 from the number 10.

  3. En el informe financiero, vamos a substraer los gastos de los ingresos.

  4. In the financial report, we are going to deduct the expenses from the income.

  5. Si substraes las cifras incorrectas, no obtendrás el resultado correcto.

  6. If you subtract the incorrect figures, you won't get the right result.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Substraer" is not commonly used in fixed idiomatic expressions, but it can be involved in phrases relating to the idea of removing or deducting elements. However, we can create some illustrative expressions using the concept of subtraction.

  1. Substraer de la ecuación – To take out from the equation
  2. En la vida, a veces tienes que substraer de la ecuación a las personas negativas.
  3. In life, sometimes you have to take negative people out of the equation.

  4. Substraer valor de algo – To take value away from something

  5. No debemos substraer valor de sus esfuerzos si no logramos el objetivo.
  6. We shouldn’t take value away from their efforts if we don’t achieve the goal.

  7. Substraer tiempo a la diversión – To take time away from fun

  8. Substraer tiempo a la diversión por trabajar puede llevar al agotamiento.
  9. Taking time away from fun to work can lead to burnout.


The term "substraer" comes from the Latin "substrahere," which is composed of "sub-" (under, below) and "strahere" (to lay out, spread). This reflects the notion of taking away or laying something beneath.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Deductar (to deduct) - Restar (to reduce)

Antonyms: - Sumar (to add) - Aumentar (to increase)

This comprehensive overview of the word "substraer" provides insights into its grammatical structure, usage, and context in both everyday and specialized language.
