subsuelo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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subsuelo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

"Subsuelo" refers to the layer of soil or rock that lies beneath the surface layer of soil, often used in contexts related to geology, agriculture, and construction. In law, particularly in property law, "subsuelo" might refer to the rights related to subterranean resources. In general usage, it tends to be more common in written contexts, particularly in technical and legal documents. The term is less frequently used in casual conversation, though it may appear in discussions regarding land use or geology.

Example Sentences

  1. En la construcción, es vital evaluar el subsuelo antes de empezar un proyecto.
  2. In construction, it is vital to evaluate the subsoil before starting a project.

  3. La perforación en el subsuelo puede revelar reservas de agua subterránea.

  4. Drilling into the subsoil can reveal underground water reserves.

  5. Los derechos sobre el subsuelo son un tema importante en la legislación chilena.

  6. Rights over the subsoil are an important issue in Chilean legislation.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "subsuelo" itself is not commonly used in idiomatic expressions, it plays a significant role in various phrases related to land, rights, and resources. Here are some expressions that involve the concept of "subsuelo":

  1. "Derechos del subsuelo"
  2. Rights of the subsoil
  3. Ejemplo: Los derechos del subsuelo permiten a los ciudadanos explorar recursos naturales.

    • Example: The rights of the subsoil allow citizens to explore natural resources.
  4. "Recursos del subsuelo"

  5. Resources of the subsoil
  6. Ejemplo: Es fundamental proteger los recursos del subsuelo para futuras generaciones.

    • Example: It is essential to protect the resources of the subsoil for future generations.
  7. "Investigación del subsuelo"

  8. Subsoil investigation
  9. Ejemplo: La investigación del subsuelo es un paso crucial antes de cualquier actividad minera.
    • Example: Subsoil investigation is a crucial step before any mining activity.


The term "subsuelo" is derived from the Latin "subterra," which means "beneath the earth." The prefix "sub-" indicates "under" or "below," and "suelo" comes from the Latin "solum," meaning "soil" or "ground."

Synonyms and Antonyms

This comprehensive overview highlights the significance of "subsuelo" in various contexts, with relevant examples demonstrating its use in the Spanish language.
