subterfugio - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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subterfugio (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The term "subterfugio" refers to a deceitful or evasive means used to achieve a goal, especially in situations where honesty or straightforwardness is required. It is often associated with legal contexts where individuals may employ tricks or maneuvers to escape obligations or responsibilities. In everyday usage, it can denote any form of deception or trickery set up to sidestep a problem or obligation. The word is moderately common in both oral and written Spanish, though it tends to appear more frequently in written contexts, especially in formal discussions about law or ethical issues.

Example Sentences

  1. El abogado utilizó un subterfugio para ganar el caso.
  2. The lawyer used a subterfuge to win the case.

  3. Su subterfugio no pudo engañar a la corte durante el juicio.

  4. His subterfuge could not fool the court during the trial.

  5. En la negociación, el subterfugio fue evidente para todos los involucrados.

  6. In the negotiation, the subterfuge was evident to everyone involved.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "subterfugio" is not commonly featured in fixed idiomatic expressions per se; however, it can appear within phrases that emphasize trickery or deception. Here are a few example sentences that incorporate the word into broader expressions:

  1. No caigas en el subterfugio de sus palabras.
  2. Don’t fall for the subterfuge of his words.

  3. Su plan estaba lleno de subterfugios que sólo buscaban confundir.

  4. His plan was full of subterfuges that only sought to confuse.

  5. Utilizar subterfugios te puede dar una victoria temporal, pero no duradera.

  6. Using subterfuges may give you a temporary victory, but not a lasting one.


The word "subterfugio" originates from the Latin term "subterfugium," which is a combination of "subter" meaning "beneath" and "fugium" meaning "to flee." This etymology underlines the concept of escaping or evading something, reflecting the meaning of the word in both modern Spanish and its historical roots.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This comprehensive information presents "subterfugio" as a rich term with both specific applications in legal and general contexts, signifying deceitful methods to achieve ends while showcasing its linguistic nuances.
