superar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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superar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "superar" is a verb.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options

  1. To overcome
  2. To surpass
  3. To exceed

Meaning and Usage

"Superar" generally signifies the act of overcoming a challenge, surpassing a limit, or exceeding expectations. In everyday Spanish, it is commonly used both in verbal conversations and written contexts, leading to a moderate frequency of use. It is more frequently heard in oral speech in both personal and informal contexts, although it is also prominent in written texts, particularly in academic or professional scenarios.

Example Sentences

  1. Ella logró superar sus miedos.
    (She managed to overcome her fears.)

  2. El equipo necesita superar sus limitaciones para ganar.
    (The team needs to surpass its limitations to win.)

  3. Es importante aprender a superar los obstáculos en la vida.
    (It is important to learn to overcome obstacles in life.)

Idiomatic Expressions

"Superar" is often incorporated into various idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Here are a few examples:

  1. Superar la prueba
    (To pass the test)
  2. El estudiante necesitaba superar la prueba para graduarse.
    (The student needed to pass the test to graduate.)

  3. Superar la crisis
    (To overcome the crisis)

  4. La empresa tuvo que superar la crisis económica con estrategias inteligentes.
    (The company had to overcome the economic crisis with smart strategies.)

  5. Superar las expectativas
    (To exceed expectations)

  6. El proyecto superó las expectativas del comité.
    (The project exceeded the committee's expectations.)

  7. Superar el pasado
    (To overcome the past)

  8. Es esencial superar el pasado para avanzar en la vida.
    (It's essential to overcome the past to move forward in life.)

  9. Superar un reto
    (To overcome a challenge)

  10. Dijo que quería superar un reto nuevo cada año.
    (He said he wanted to overcome a new challenge every year.)


The word "superar" comes from the Latin "superare", which is formed by "super-" meaning "above" or "beyond," and "are," the verb suffix. The term has retained its core meaning through the transition from Latin to Spanish, referring to going beyond or overcoming.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive information on "superar" should give you an understanding of its uses and context within both general and legal domains in the Spanish language.
