superior - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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superior (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word superior is primarily an adjective, but it can also function as a noun.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription of superior in International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is /supeˈɾi.oɾ/.

Translation Options into English

The word superior can be translated into English as: - Superior (adjective) - Supervisor (noun, in reference to a person) - Higher (in rank or quality)

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, superior means "higher" or "above" in terms of rank, quality, or position. It can refer to something of greater value, a higher position within a hierarchy, or someone who is in command, as in the case of a supervisor. The frequency of use is moderately high, and it appears in both oral and written contexts, although it is more commonly used in formal written contexts, especially in legal, military, or academic discussions.

Example Sentences: 1. El nivel superior del edificio tiene una vista espectacular. - The upper level of the building has a spectacular view.

  1. Él es mi superior en la empresa y tiene mucha experiencia.
  2. He is my superior in the company and has a lot of experience.

  3. Es importante seguir las normativas del superior para evitar problemas.

  4. It is important to follow the guidelines of the superior to avoid problems.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term superior is often used in various idiomatic expressions primarily associated with hierarchy or authority. Here are some examples:

  1. Estar por encima del superior.
  2. To be above the superior.
  3. Signifies being in a position that outranks someone else, often used in discussions about corporate hierarchies.

  4. Tener la última palabra del superior.

  5. To have the final word of the superior.
  6. Refers to a situation where only the superior’s decision is considered final.

  7. Someterse a la voluntad del superior.

  8. To submit to the will of the superior.
  9. Used in contexts where an individual has to comply with the directives of someone in a higher position.

  10. Pedir permiso al superior.

  11. To ask for permission from the superior.
  12. Commonly used in workplace settings when one requires authorization from a higher authority.


The word superior comes from the Latin term superior, which means "higher" or "upper." It is derived from super, meaning "above." The use of this word has been documented throughout various languages, maintaining the core meaning related to hierarchy and elevation.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Mayor (greater) - Superior en rango (higher in rank) - Jefe (chief, when used as a noun referring to a person)

Antonyms: - Inferior (lower or lesser) - Menor (lesser) - Subordinado (subordinate, when referring to a person)

Overall, superior is a versatile term widely used in various contexts, particularly in professional and academic arenas, highlighting distinctions in rank and quality.
