supervisar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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supervisar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The verb "supervisar" is primarily used in both general and legal contexts to denote the action of overseeing or managing a particular task, process, or group of individuals. In general terms, it implies the act of ensuring that operations are carried out correctly, and is often associated with managerial roles in workplaces or educational settings.

Frequency of use for "supervisar" is moderate to high, being commonly utilized in both oral and written contexts. However, it tends to appear more frequently in written contexts such as reports, formal communications, and legal documentation.

Example Sentences

  1. Los gerentes deben supervisar el trabajo de sus empleados.
  2. The managers must supervise the work of their employees.

  3. Es importante supervisar el desarrollo de los proyectos.

  4. It is important to oversee the development of the projects.

  5. El profesor tiene que supervisar a los estudiantes durante el examen.

  6. The teacher has to supervise the students during the exam.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Supervisar" does not have many established idiomatic expressions. However, it can be a part of phrases emphasizing responsibility or oversight. Below are some examples of sentences that use "supervisar" in a more idiomatic or contextual manner:

  1. Es mejor supervisar que lamentar.
  2. It is better to supervise than to regret.

  3. El éxito de la empresa depende de cómo se supervise el equipo.

  4. The success of the company depends on how the team is supervised.

  5. Si deseas buenos resultados, debes supervisar cada paso del proceso.

  6. If you want good results, you must supervise every step of the process.


The term "supervisar" is derived from the Latin word "supervisare," which means "to watch over" or "to oversee." It combines "super" (above) and "videre" (to see), indicating the act of watching over or overseeing.

Synonyms and Antonyms


