sur - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sur (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Sur" is a preposition in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. South
  2. To the south
  3. Southward

Meaning and Usage

"Sur" refers to one of the four cardinal directions, specifically indicating the direction towards the South. It is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, especially in geography, navigation, and everyday conversation when referring to direction or location.

Frequency of Use

The term "sur" is quite common in both spoken and written Spanish. It is essential in discussions about geography, travel, and navigation.

Example Sentences

  1. El viento soplaba del sur durante la tormenta.
    (The wind was blowing from the south during the storm.)

  2. La ciudad de Buenos Aires está al sur de la provincia de Buenos Aires.
    (The city of Buenos Aires is to the south of the province of Buenos Aires.)

  3. Los aviones que vuelan hacia el sur salen del aeropuerto a las cinco de la tarde.
    (The planes flying south depart from the airport at five in the afternoon.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While "sur" is primarily used as a geographical term, it can also appear in various idiomatic expressions related to orientation and position. Here are several examples:

  1. "Ir hacia el sur"
    (To go south)
    "Voy hacia el sur porque el clima es más cálido."
    (I am going south because the weather is warmer.)

  2. "Sur de la ciudad"
    (South of the city)
    "Hay varios barrios interesantes al sur de la ciudad."
    (There are several interesting neighborhoods south of the city.)

  3. "De sur a norte"
    (From south to north)
    "El río fluye de sur a norte a lo largo del país."
    (The river flows from south to north along the country.)

  4. "Derecha del sur"
    (Right of the south)
    "La isla está justo a la derecha del sur de la costa."
    (The island is just to the right of the south of the coast.)


The word "sur" comes from the latinate term "meridies", which originally meant "midday" or "south", owing to the position of the sun at noon in the Southern Hemisphere.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Overall, "sur" is a fundamental term in Spanish, essential for navigation and basic orientation in geographical contexts.
