surco - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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surco (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Surco" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Surco" refers to a narrow and long indentation or groove, commonly made in soil or other materials. In agriculture, it typically describes the channel prepared for planting seeds or plants. The term is also used in various contexts such as medicine (e.g., anatomical grooves), law (certain legal provisions related to the designation of land), or in industrial applications to describe grooves in machinery or hardware.

In Spanish, "surco" is used relatively frequently, especially in agricultural, medical, and anatomical contexts. It can appear in both written and oral speech, but it may lean slightly more towards written contexts in technical discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. Los agricultores realizaron surcos en la tierra para sembrar las semillas.
  2. The farmers made furrows in the soil to plant the seeds.

  3. El surco en el hueso indica el paso de un nervio.

  4. The groove in the bone indicates the pathway of a nerve.

  5. El ingeniero diseñó un surco en la máquina para mejorar su funcionamiento.

  6. The engineer designed a groove in the machine to improve its operation.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "surco" is not a part of many commonly used idiomatic expressions, it can still appear in various phrases:

  1. Hacer un surco - To create a groove or furrow, often implies making a clear path or decision.
  2. Ejemplo: Hacer un surco en tu vida puede ayudarte a tener más claridad.
  3. Translation: Creating a groove in your life can help you have more clarity.

  4. Surco de dolor - A phrase that can denote a deep-seated emotional wound or suffering.

  5. Ejemplo: Su corazón llevaba un surco de dolor por la pérdida.
  6. Translation: His heart bore a groove of pain from the loss.

  7. Dejar un surco - To leave a mark or impact, metaphorically speaking.

  8. Ejemplo: Su trabajo ha dejado un surco en la comunidad.
  9. Translation: His work has left a mark on the community.


The word "surco" originates from the Latin "sulcus," which means furrow or groove. This Latin term is directly related to the action of plowing fields, illustrating its agricultural roots.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms - Canal (channel) - Hendidura (indentation) - Fisura (fissure)

Antonyms - Llano (plain) - Plenitud (fullness) - Superficie (surface)

This comprehensive overview covers the aspects of the word "surco," from its basic definition and usage to its etymological roots and semantic field.
