suscribir - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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suscribir (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "suscribir" is a verb.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "suscribir" typically means to subscribe to something, often involving the agreement or endorsement of some kind of document or action. It can refer to subscribing to magazines, journals, or services, as well as signing contracts or agreements.

This verb is frequently used in written contexts, particularly in legal and formal documents, but is also found in spoken language, especially in discussions about subscriptions and memberships.

Example Sentences

  1. Voy a suscribir un nuevo periódico.
    I am going to subscribe to a new newspaper.

  2. Tienes que suscribir el contrato antes de enviarlo.
    You have to sign the contract before sending it.

  3. Decidí suscribir a un servicio de streaming.
    I decided to subscribe to a streaming service.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "suscribir" itself isn't commonly found in idiomatic expressions, it works in contexts that are related to agreements, contracts, and endorsements. Here are a few expressions related to its meaning:

  1. Suscribir un acuerdo
    To endorse an agreement.
    Las partes deben suscribir un acuerdo antes de continuar con el proyecto.
    The parties must endorse an agreement before proceeding with the project.

  2. Suscribir políticas
    To endorse policies.
    Es importante que todos los empleados suscriban las políticas de la empresa.
    It is important for all employees to endorse the company's policies.

  3. Suscribir condiciones
    To agree to terms.
    El cliente tiene que suscribir condiciones para asegurar el servicio.
    The customer has to agree to terms to secure the service.


The word "suscribir" comes from the Latin word "subscribere," which means "to write underneath." It is formed from "sub-" meaning "under" and "scribere," which means "to write." This etymology reflects its primary meaning of signing or endorsing something, as if writing underneath or approving something that has already been prepared.

Synonyms and Antonyms


