suscribirse - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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suscribirse (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "suscribirse" is a verb in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Suscribirse" refers to the action of signing up for something, typically to receive a service, an update, or to participate in a program. The term is commonly used in contexts such as subscriptions to magazines, online services, newsletters, and membership programs.

In everyday use, it may be employed more often in written contexts, such as in documentation or online services, but it can also be found in casual spoken conversation.

Example Sentences

  1. Decidí suscribirme a una revista de tecnología.
    I decided to subscribe to a technology magazine.

  2. Es fácil suscribirse al boletín de noticias.
    It is easy to sign up for the newsletter.

  3. Mi amigo se suscribió a un curso en línea de marketing.
    My friend subscribed to an online marketing course.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "suscribirse" itself is not typically found in many idiomatic expressions, it can be associated with certain phrases that relate to signing up, subscribing, or committing to something. Here are some examples:

  1. Suscribirse a la mayoría - Involves joining most events or causes.
    Decidí suscribirme a la mayoría de las iniciativas ecológicas que se presentan en la ciudad.
    I decided to subscribe to most of the ecological initiatives that are presented in the city.

  2. Suscribirse a un ideal - To adhere or commit to an ideal.
    Ella decidió suscribirse a un ideal de vida más sostenible.
    She decided to subscribe to a more sustainable way of life.

  3. No puedes dejar de suscribirte - You can't stop signing up for things.
    Desde que descubrí las clases de yoga, no he podido dejar de suscribirme a nuevas sesiones.
    Since I discovered yoga classes, I haven't been able to stop signing up for new sessions.


The verb "suscribirse" comes from the Latin "subscribere," which is a compound of "sub-" meaning "under, below," and "scribere," meaning "to write." Hence, the original sense was "to write underneath," referring to the practice of writing one’s name at the end of a document as a form of consent or agreement.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Inscribirse (to enroll) - Apuntarse (to sign up)

Antonyms: - Cancelar (to cancel) - Desuscribirse (to unsubscribe)
